Project: Longview Power Plant

Industry: Power Generation


Siemens was building a 695 MW coal-fired power generating plant in an underserved market, including a supercritical pulverized coal boiler, for Longview Power. Their contract had a tight delivery date, but very strong market conditions for pipe production had resulted in product lead times of up to 12 months. Adding to the challenge, the engineering for the project was behind schedule. 


Due to strong existing relationships and vast inventory, Tioga was able to supply some of the requirements from inventory and work with key mills using pre-agreed tonnage agreements to help fulfill the balance of Siemens’ order for an array of alloy pipe, fittings and flanges that had to meet stringent quality standards.

Tioga was also able to arrange for Siemens to revise order sizes and quantities for up to six weeks after contract award—without implication to cost or delivery—allowing Seimens’ subcontractor time to complete engineering without impacting the project cost.


Tioga’s inventory, mill relationships and logistical expertise improved delivery time of critical materials by 35-50 percent, avoided further project delays due to engineering and helped ensure proper alloy specs for the $2 billion project.

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